Paving the way with Aggregate Industries Charcon Products

April 15, 2021  •  2 Comments

Paving the way with Aggregate Industries Charcon Products

Publication of new hard landscaping brochure

Quadram-26Quadram-26Quadram Building Norfolk

(Quadram Building Norwich)

I have been excited for the launch of this new brochure for a while now as it marks the culmination of two years’ worth of photographic projects that I have undertaken for Aggregate Industries (AI) Charcon Division.

Aggregate Industries is a major manufacturer and supplier of construction materials. Their Charcon range of hard landscaping offers the industry complete commercial solutions for all types of projects. With an emphasis on high quality, innovative and integrated solutions to architects, civil engineers, landscape professionals, housebuilders and contractors in every aspect of the construction industry.

1615981203693Charcon BrochureCharcon Brochure

Charcon provides innovative flag paving, block paving, kerbing and drainage solutions. This also includes products that are specially developed for cycle lane/vehicle segregation which, as a keen cyclist an area very close to my heart.

Another important aspect of the people at Aggregate Industries Charcon Division is that they are constantly looking for more sustainable solutions for better building & infrastructure.

SOUTHAMTON-CYCLEKERB-42SOUTHAMTON-CYCLEKERB-42 NW.Cambridge_Stonemaster-166NW.Cambridge_Stonemaster-166














(Southampton Cycle Scheme)                        (Cambridge Student Living) 

I have been providing photography for AI’s Charcon Division for four years with the last two years (pre Covid) almost totally dedicated to producing high end imagery for this most comprehensive of product portfolios.

The Brief

Working closely with the marketing team at AI namely two people in particular, Robert Davenhall (National Major Projects Manager) and Natalie Thomas (Marketing Comms Manager) we were able to devise a plan on how best to ensure that the Charcon products that were to be included in the brochure were photographed at their best & in their best location.

Charcon Products can be used in a whole range of projects from, retail & science parks, schools & colleges, cycle schemes, pavements, roads, town centres, transport hubs, housing, sports stadia and on one occasion I even visited a sewage farm!

The brief was always to show as much of the range of Charcon Products as possible and in the best possible light and situation and as Charcon Products are supplied throughout the country this also meant a great deal of travel.

Just thinking back, I think the furthest north I travelled was to Harrogate in North Yorkshire with the furthest south being either Southampton or Kent and as far east as Norfolk & as far west as Bristol and with multiple days spent in the London area. I do remember one journey when I started off photographing a project in Derby followed by Worcester, Bristol, Southampton, Brighton and London.

TottenhamHotspur_Andover-39TottenhamHotspur_Andover-39TottenhamHotspur_Andover Paving WEMBLEY-42WEMBLEY-42Wembley Stadium















(Tottenham Hotspur & Wembley)

I do not at all mind travelling & enjoy planning the most efficient route but there is one thing that you can never account for and that is the British weather! Importantly all product photography of this nature is best undertaken in dry & bright conditions and whilst leaves are still on the trees & not covering product. Litter free is always best too!  (A good brush is always an essential part of my photographer’s tool kit)

I spent many an hour studying weather forecasts and even checking web cams in various parts of the country to try to ensure dry weather & thus dry product.  I still have nightmares about the day I stepped off the train in London only to find it pouring with rain, of course it was totally dry when I set off with no rain forecast! Typical!

MAF-2MAF-2Oxford MAF-88MAF-88Cambridge














    (Oxford Science Park)

Another essential part of the brief to be covered was to show how the product was being used and to show “life” in the image. This could be in the form of people walking on paving, cyclists being segregated from vehicular traffic, cars in carparks or parked on grass grid product even market stalls being used on paved areas.

MAF-23MAF-23Grassgrid MAF-56MAF-56Park & Ride Leeds














(Grass Grid Cheshire & Leeds Park & Ride)

All projects were to be photographed to try & include as much product as possible whilst also closeups and any special features or use of the product in situ.

A few days were also spent at Aggregate’s Derbyshire concrete plant photographing new manufactured product and a few members of the Charcon Team.

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SheffieldUNI-17SheffieldUNI-17Sheffield UNI MAF-10MAF-10Birmingham UNI
















It’s been my absolute pleasure working on this project with the Aggregate Industries Team and I am so pleased that the completed brochure features so many of my images. The whole brochure really is one of the most definitive guides ever produced of Charcon Products.

 I myself am proud of this project and I think that the Aggregate Industries Marketing & Design Team have done a fantastic job in bringing everything together in this industry leading brochure.

Many thanks to Robert Davenhall, Natalie Thomas and the various Aggregate Industry Regional Managers & contractors that assisted me throughout the country.

(Sheffield & Birmingham Uni's)

MAF-30MAF-30 MaidstoneAndoverB-20MaidstoneAndoverB-20Maidstone Andover MAF-39MAF-39














(Maidstone Town Center) 

To download your copy of the brochure please see:

Or to talk to me about architectural photography please either drop me a line at [email protected] or call 07745204331. 














































Good job on this article! I really like how you presented your facts and how you made it interesting and easy to understand. Thank you.
The sidewalks in Lawrence, Kansas, are beautifully constructed with concrete. They're not just functional but add to the city's charm.
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